Monday, January 23, 2012

Things Happen You Never Expect...

Oh my God!! I still can't believe what happened...

Everything started with a skype call with my dad. I was kinda sick, and he was kinda mad that I was not taking care of myself, these conversation can only be with my parents:

I said: "Noo, I take care, just didn't eat enough lately.
He said: "Why didn't you eat?!"
I: Well, I didn't want to... I hate eating!!!!
He: WTF!??
I: Well, in home, my mom was cooking, and I was eating, I love these kind of yummy, healthy food. But when I started college, I realized I don't like to eat outside, and I can't cook. It's still same.. I'm always forcing myself to eat.. It's not fun eating for me anymore.
(At this moment, my mom brought a dish and I heard she said don't show her, then my dad :(( he started eating "manti" very clearly and sapur-supur in front of me)
He: Well, you don't like to eat then no problem, ha?
I: Noooooooooooooooo!!!!! That's torture!!!

Yes, he, my lovely dad, ate all of my favorite food in front of the camera, and I was so so so sad, and desperate... I wrote in my facebook, "what am I gonna do now? :(" And solution came from one of my best friend: why don't you cook yourself?

And I'll keep it very short, I found the recipe in google, went shopping, texted my roommate, I'm cooking the dinner, don't eat!!! and for 4 hours (seriously) I prepared it... There are 4 basic long process (I didn't know it was that long), that I don't know their English description, etc..  I asked my roommates help (poor girl, she rejected eating somewhere else to eat my food, and found herself helping me cooking), she said when we were preparing it: "Turkish Girl, don't ever cook again". I'm still laughing it, and I said OK, your wish is my command! :))

The point of my story is:
  • I can cook!!! The interesting thing is, later this week, I cooked again and again: pasta with bolognese sauce, french fries with pepper, tomatoes sauce, Turkish yogurt with garlic sauce (I couldn't take photos, cause I was extremely hungry) I started enjoying my meals again :)
  • Don't give up! This four-cooking-manti-process was difficult, I saw my mom was doing and it was looking easy.. When I realized somethings wrong, I thought I made a mistake, and fucked it up. I didn't have so many supplies, like roller, I found a big bottle and used it as a roller (I cleaned it of course). I could give up, but I tried.. This happened in all-3 process.. :( I was almost ordering some food, cause I was still sick (remember I talked with my dad in the morning)
  • I repeat again, I can cook :))
  • and again: Don't give up, whatever you're doing. And nothing is impossible :) If I can cook, you can do anything!!!! Anything ever..
Here the photos: 

fresh looking right? Manti is kind of heavy food.. I remember we couldn't move for a while after eating all :)

My first plan was cooking a lot, so I can keep it in the freezer and eat later, but trust me, it took years from my life, so I  decided to not be greedy =)

"Do one thing every day that scares you" Oh boy, I touched meat.. 

Just a spicy, oily sauce :)

And that's MANTI: my favorite food! And it was so yummy... Although I said I'm not going to cook again, I can do it again.. :)
And these are from Christmas time:

Did I ever mention, although I hide my socks Wolf ate them? :)) 

And then, I brought her to my home, she pied everywhere :) And I gave her my bear to play :)

But, then Wolf was not kissing her, she was biting and eating my poor bear, I felt sorry.. What was my cute bears fault?

And after these pose, I saved her life.. :)

That's our winter drink: ginger, lemon, garlic, honey, and I don't know what that red thing is.  Obviously I don't make it but my roommate, but I love to drink.. So good! :) edit: "red thing is cinnamon silly"


Ravin Dave said...

Oh Nessie!!! Nice job on cooking!! :)

Ilmar said...

Manti is my favorite food in the world!!! But uzbeks do it with a variation, they do 1/2 meat and 1/2 potatoes.
Being half cuban, I do 1/3 meat, 1/3 potato and 1/3 pumpkin :)