Tuesday, July 26, 2011

News Is Not Always Good

I was at the beach last weekend. Although the weather temperature was more than 100 degree nobody was swimming! When we stepped into the ocean it's understood: the water temperature was ice cold like it was in winter.
A ha! You'll not like it actually..

I follow the Fastest News Channel: Facebook Status & one of the top news was the weather was extremely hot in all around the world. New York was burning: there was a solid hot mass in the air which makes breathing difficult.

That's funny but the only connection what I made is "the weather was too hot, the icebergs melted, that's why the ocean is freezing (1 week ago it was very warm). That's my theory :)

What other latest news in facebook is/are:

  • Norway met with terror! People were sorry about that but somehow they were relief that some European country also tasted how bad is terror which hurts Turkey a lot and some countries was officially ignoring terror & terror groups & even supporting them. So, from their status I got that message: "I have pain, that hurts me a lot, now you know how it's like"
  • Just very recently, 2 week ago, terrorists killed more than 10 soldiers in Turkey. Almost every single person was mad, sad, desperately angry and violent. Is there anything else they can do about it ? They are angry to terror, but also government. Government is supposed to be the solution. People think they are not the solution but the reason of this terror, this war games & the death of innocent kids in army & pain for their parents & public. Is there anything I can do except praying for their souls and wish patient to their parents who will never forget their lost?
  • Amy Winehouse dies cause of drugs..
  • Earthquakes.. no comment..

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Today's Music :)

Sevmekten kim usanir, ne guzel soylemis Muzeyyen, gune baslamak icin ideal olmasa da.. Sanirim memleket ozlemi boyle birsey; konustugun dil, dinledigin muzik icine oyle bir isliyor ki. Diger diller, milletler asla anlayamacaklar bize hissettirdiklerini bize ait olanlarin, tipki bizim onlari anlayamacagimiz gibi..

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

You Have Mail, From: Yourself

It can be even a love letter :) (deviantart)
I went to tao yoga yesterday. When I was waiting for my session, I had a chance to talk to a woman who works for clinic experiments for drugs. About drug tests I just asked "You're not testing on mice right?". Her response was "on human of course".

We talked about a workshop which makes you go into yourself deeply. She said it was really intense to listen yourself, cause we always ignore what we say ourself and bury them so deep.

  • How many of us listen themself? Listen truly?
  • Do you have enough courage to face what your heart & brain really feel & think?
Once I wrote a letter to 'myself who live 5 years later', so I supposed to open this letter 5 years later. To write it, I had to talk myself at that moment, which was difficult and intense. Right now, who do you want to be in the future? You're being very honest to yourself, because it's the letter for future yourself, and you can't just lie, can you?

And then I found that letter like 3 years later. It was a very interesting experience to read it from this little kid. We change a lot, although we don't realize. I remember I couldn't kept my tears and so surprised how I was thinking and where I was. One of the sentence was like that: "I love you so much whoever you became and hey, I hope you're alive! And if you're reading this, hopefully you're thankful for your health and life". Are we thankful because we are healthy and alive?

Maybe I can't explain my experience very well, that's the other humanity thing like we change, we also forget.. We forget everything. However, I think, everyone who can read it, can give it a try to write a letter. You don't have to keep it, just write honestly and then destroy.. The thing is probably you'll realize a lot of thing, and I'd love to hear about your experiment about yourself. :)

When I started working with Red Bull, I was not even drinking. Now, I still don't drink much but I'm a fan of their brand & marketing!

P.S After yoga, when I was walking home, I saw a Red Bull Wing Team with their cute little car! Look at that, just because I worked almost a year in Red Bull before, I felt something very warm and familiar. I said "hi" to these cute girls who gives energy drink also positive energy, "I was also doing the exactly same thing as you do in Turkey", got my drink, and kept walking..

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Turkish Girl Vs. Mosquitoes

Imagine you're at the beach.. looking at the sky.. listening the ocean.. feeling sun.. mmm..life is good.. I'm happy, smiling and forget all my problems.. sometimes in New York at extremely crowded and micey subways I imagine the same.. Just listening the music, closing my eyes, and smiling, and feeling the same way...

Just after I wrote this sentences and feeling highly positive, when I went back to house I realized there is no one! I didn't take the keys. my phone's battery finished cause of listening music and writing.. well.. first I went back to beach to watch sunset, walking on the sand.. it was still good.

Brigantine Beach is pretty
Then I came back to home, there was still no one! I've sat in the beautiful chair at front deck until I realize the mosquitoes were drinking my blood! I've walked a little bit around the house, then I decide to ride bicycle. There is no break in that bike, controlling only with pedals, was pretty interesting. I think I ride bike more than 1 hour, till I realized the mosquitoes were not biting me anymore, but I was eating them!!

Then I laid down on the hammock with some towel because of mosquitoes, and watched the stars:

I was hungry, tired, a little bit cold. Have no money, no phone, no key.. Waiting my friends.. It took my 3 hours! :) I was frustrated. I didn't talk with my friends for a little bit because I was mad! Even seeing Wolf, didn't help me.

Shortly, in the end I was alive with only 5-6 mosquito bites.. 

P.S: American mosquitoes are not good for my body's biology, I think I have an allergy. They like me, always I'm the first one bitten! In Turkey mosquitoes always choose somebody else to suck their blood, I was always enjoying to watch their little war.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011


"İlk bakışta “depresyon” kelimesi bütün dillerde benzerdir. Ne var ki Türkçede de-presyon bir fiilden ziyade bir “mekân” gibi algılanır. Bu sebepten dolayı “bunalım-dayım” denir. Bunalım bir yer adıymış gibi... içine girilen karanlık bir oda. Adım atınca kaybolunan bir koca kıta." siyah süt, Elif Safak

Bir arkadasim mesaj atmis. Depresyondayim galiba diye. Depresyona girmek icin sebep lazim degil ki.. sadece o odaya girersin, olur biter.. biter mi?

Gercek depresyon ve curuyen kadinlar:

  • Ahh bir 10 sene oncesine geri donebilsem der, 2 sene oncesi degil..
  • Yaslari ilerlemistir bayaa ( ki yas mevzu bahis degil bence, 40 yasinda biri de hayatinin gidisini degistirebilmeli.)
  • Sezen aksu dinliorum suan. vazgectim.. ahhh ne kadar guzel bir sarki...!!
  • Cocuklari vardir. birakamazlar bebeklerini. kacamazlar oyuzden.
  • Kocalari vardir. bi bok yerine koymazlar "kari"yi. kadin da guvenini, kendine sevgisini, hayata sevgisini, yasam enerjisini kaybeder. aptallasir bir de iyice. cunku kimse dusunmesini istemez, o da dusunmez..
  • Beyni de kalbi de curur.
  • Seni bir yere baglayan birseyin var mi? YOK. 
  • Sevmiyorsun bile o cocugu. Sadece aliskanlik..
  • Aliskanlik.. Cok cok kotu birsey, ne oldugunun hic farkina varamiyorsun, birakamiyorsun da, cunku 21 gunden fazla duzenli bir sekilde yaptigin hersey aliskanlik olusturuyormus, ve sen birakmak istemiyorsun, cok kotu oldugunu bilmene ragmen..
  • Is degistirmek, koca degistirmek.. Hayati kararlar bunlar, en basinda iyi dusunmek lazim, ama bir hata yaptiysan da hayatin boyunca o kararin altinda yasamak zorunda degilsin. Dolayisiyla hem kendinle hem de digerleriyle mucadele ederek degistirmen lazim gidisati..
  • Sezen ile devam ediyorum. Resmen aglayacagim cevrede insanlar olmasa, hickira hickira.. evet, ilk firsatta yapacagim ama bugun degil.. 
  • Hangi muzikleri dinledigine dikkat et!! :) Latin dinliyorum ben misal gunluk olarak, super modda oluyorum.. siritiyorum filan yolda =)
  • Boyle olmamaliydi sanki demissin: hersey olmasi gerektigi gibi oluyor. Bunlari yasaman ve gerekli adimlari atman lazim ki olman gereken kisi olasin. Hatta:
"God long ago drew a circle in the sand exactly around the spot where you are standing right now." -Eat, Pray, Love
  • Guclu ol. Spor yap.!!!!! Zihnini guclendir.. 
  • Kendini sev, tutkuyla sev, cok sev :)
  • Hayatinin kontrolunu eline al.
  • Neyden hosnut degilsin? Neyi degistirmek istiyorsun? Liste yap. Ve harekete gec! :)
  • Sezen dinleme!

NOT: 2 gundur Sezen Aksu dinliyorum, sadece 1'er saat gunde. Kesinlikle tum ciddiyetimle soyluyorum, depresyona girmeme ramak kaldi. Belki de depresyondayim. Tum anilar ususuyor. Ususen birsey olmasa da ot, bortu-bocek, hava, birseyler uzuyor beni.. Hepimiz aslinda boyle melankolik bir yana sahibiz, degil mi? Mesela Sezen sarki soylediginde.. 

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Recent Elections, Entrepreneurship and Women Rights in Turkey

I've just participated a great event of TurkishWIN (Turkish Women International Network). The founder of the organization is a Turkish woman, Melek Pulatkonak. Although she has a full time job in New York (you can guess how hard she works), she also organize events, activities, seminars, etc to connect Turkish businesswomen.

Gülseren Onanç was the speaker of the event and Elmira Bayrasli asked questions. Gulseren Onanc is also graduated from Istanbul Technical University, and I just realized I like people who studied in the same atmosphere with me :) I love my college!

Here are the topics of the event and my ideas.

Women Rights: 

  • Women have to have a right to WORK anywhere in the world in a equal way with men. If a woman wants to work and earn money, there shouldn't be any power against it. Governments should support women works. 
  • A woman who worked (know how to deal with work atmosphere, colleagues), partied, travelled, dated in a healthy psychology would raise her children better than the one who didn't do this normal things. That's what my father said to me once, and daddy, I agree!
  • Women who works are more confident, beautiful, and hot!
  • Since Adam & Eve, women control everything; would you rather this control mechanism is more educated, clever and independence?
  • I've learned that Turkey's current president said in the international women day : "Turkish women! Make 3 children." And there is more than 2 millions young girls don't go to school, because they are female and my president tells make 3 kids, don't work, be a housewife, serve your man; that's why you're exist. (It reminded me the American Dream: a rich husband, a big house, dogs, kids, no work; what a good life..)
  • "There are 3 million 825 thousand citizens today who cannot read or write. And of these an overwhelming majority (82 percent) is women...." a great author Elif Shafak tells about a fact of Turkey. If they don't go to school, and marry when they are 14 years old, how come they can learn to read & write. "Women need books far more than men do. Ignorance hurts us much more. We crave ideas, stories, novels, just like plants need constant watering to grow..."
  • Whenever I see a person I just look at their signature: their mothers, their parents education. Mothers are sacred not because they give a birth, they raise their kids, and this is the biggest ART in my opinion and please let this art be more high quality.  

In Turkey with KAGIDER (the Women Entrepreneurs Association) they made campaigns to support women entrepreneurs but there was not any good ideas and not enough applications. In this case, I do not agree that there have to be women entrepreneurs. This is not a big deal. The point is there are women suffers with their dominant husbands and kids, and they want to work, they have to work then! Politics and campaigns supposed to help that problem.


Researches show that in Turkey entrepreneurs are mostly high school graduates, they start to work and then start their own business. They grown up in business life. In USA, they go to college, before they start-up they find an idea, make a business plan, find their investment, etc. They plan everything. 

Which one is better? You can read a lot or know everything about the business, without the real experience in the field, it's useless. If you don't know how to lead your employers, how to deal with very small details which you can only learn when you're working, your education doesn't work.

Yesterday, my lovely roomie gave an example. She went both acting and directing schools. The people who studied directing are able to write a book about how it should be, they know everything, however, when it comes to the act, when they try to direct people in the game, they don't know how to talk with actors.


The same thing with the power of experience in the field, in Turkey the party who acts more like public and listen what they need and offer what they need won the elections. Gülseren Onanç said that their mistake was they thought with the 1920's mind and they didn't listen people. Now there is a new Social Democratic Party of Turkey (CHP) with the new young crew, they will work and think harder. Let's see..


Gülseren Onanç is a member of the assembly for the Social Democratic Party of Turkey (CHP). Before joining the CHP, Onanç was the President and Chairperson of KAGİDER, the Women Entrepreneurs Association of Turkey from 2007 through 2010. She was one of the founding members of KAGİDER and has also chaired the European Union Committee. Onanç holds a B.A. in Management Engineering from the İstanbul Technical University. Following her graduation, Onanç moved to the U.S. and pursued an M.B.A at MichiganState University. After graduation, she administered pharmacy companies in Russia and the Turkic Republics as a Marketing Specialist. Later, she occupied managerial positions in the food sector and worked for various international management consultancy firms. She became professional in technology and management applications. She founded her company that provides technology based marketing solutions. She established Ticketturk, a web-based ticket sales firm in 2003.

Elmira Bayrasli is the Director of Communications of Peace Dividend Trust and writes and works on global development issues. She is working on a book development that focuses on aid and entrepreneurship.  For the past several years, Elmira was the Vice President for Policy & Outreach at Endeavor, a global non-profit that supports High-Impact Entrepreneurs in emerging markets. Before joining Endeavor, Elmira was the Chief Spokesperson and Director of Press and Public Information at the OSCE Mission to Bosnia and Herzegovina in Sarajevo. In 1994, she joined Madeleine K. Albright’s team at the U.S. Mission to the United Nations, first in New York and then Washington D.C. In 1996 she received a White House Presidential Appointment assigned to the Secretary of State’s office. Upon Richard Holbrooke’s appointment to lead negotiations to break the Cyprus stalemate in 1998, Elmira was invited to join that team. She received her MA from Columbia University in Middle Eastern studies and BA from New York University in political science. She is a term member of the Council on Foreign Relations, has contributed to several books and publications and is a frequent speaker and commentator about entrepreneurship and development issues. 

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Independence day of USA

Independence day of USA, Forth of July! Thanks to my friends that they invited me to their celebration in their home town in Massachusetts near North Hampton. My impressions are:

  • Friends and family members gather.
  • They play all kinds of games: card games, board games, baseball, basketball, pool games, billiards, etc..
  • They barbeque and drink a lot. All the time..
  • They use mosquito lotion, if you forget for even 5 minutes you'll also have huge bites as I have..
  • Everywhere is with the American flag design: t-shirts, shorts, chairs, etc.. ( well here I have to say that there is a cultural differences between Turkey and USA: nobody can sit on my flag, step on it, this is a reason to go on court! Probably the reason is, we got our independence not even 100 years ago with so many difficulties.)
  • There are fireworks everywhere, I saw a little bit over the Hudson River in New York; but somehow when I heard that in Michigan Lake - Chicago they also display fireworks, I just wished to be there..
  • By the way, in this town, there was a boy named Steve, his eyes were yellow!
Happy 4th of July my friends! Happy to be independent for everyone. That's the best for a country to have their own freedom, this is priceless. 

My country's flag is red with a white moon and star: we also didn't get our independence for free, so many of us died, they say everywhere was in blood, you could see the reflection of stars and moon. Yes the thing what people can do exchange for these lost, celebrate & thank hard & enjoy, but also in my opinion everybody should do their best in whatever they do. If you're a teacher, please do teach best. If you're a lawyer, do your job in the best way. Doctors, officers, singers, engineers, moms etc.. This is the only thing you can do for your country, and for the world. And what I tell to my friends who are interested in politics, talk about it all the time, go and study it and do it as your job. Talking is useless, a waste of time. Go do something worthwhile!